10 rs-232/usb box / serial ports, 11 847 usb lab link (touch control only) – Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual

Page 84

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3.10 Device manager


PC Control / Touch Control



spooler should be switched on to prevent the Touch Control or

the printer from getting blocked (see properties dialog of the printer).

In the report options, switch on the

printing of the frame in order to

accelerate the printing.

3.10.10 RS-232/USB Box / Serial ports

You can adjust the parameters at the connected RS-232/USB Box or

the RS interfaces of the PC respectively under Edit device/Port

parameters. The parameters are described in the online help.


The Touch Control has to be switched off and on again and the PC

Control needs to be restarted in order to accept changed settings.

3.10.11 847 USB Lab Link (Touch Control only)

The Touch Control can be connected to a computer via Ethernet using

an 847 USB Lab Link. On this computer, a file system can be shared

and used as additional memory. Error messages and warnings of the

Touch Control can be sent to any receiver via e-mail. The connection

and configuration of the 847 USB Lab Link is described in the

corresponding Instructions for Use.
The main advantage of the 847 USB Lab Link is that it allows printing on

a network printer. The ability of remote control within a network can be

used for the "long distance service", i.e. for the support on location of a

user by the system administrator.