5 usb sample processor and robotic titrosampler – Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual
Page 70

3.10 Device manager
PC Control / Touch Control
For the Measuring inputs the ADC type (Analog-Digital Converter)
and Serial number of the measuring interface are shown.
Select the Sensor type for the temperature sensor used at this
measuring input. If you use an NTC sensor then you must set two
further parameters that can be obtained from the technical
specifications of the sensor: the nominal resistance at 25 °C
(R (25 °C)) and the B value referring to measurements of the
resistance at 25 °C and 50°C. The default values apply to Metrohm
sensors with an NTC sensor. If no B-value is given for your sensor
then you can retain the default value. B-values of other NTC sensors
are frequently based on different reference temperatures (usually
25 °C / 50 °C – 100 °C). When entering the B-value the influence of
the second reference temperature is negligible in comparison with
the measuring accuracy of an NTC sensor.
For the MSB connections you can define when the request to carry
out a preparation function (PREP command) for the connected dosing
devices is to be displayed. The preparation of the exchange or dosing
unit is described in Section 3.24.2. For a description of the settings
please consult the online help.
The Dosing device type and the Serial number (for type 8xx dosing
devices only) are shown for the connected dosing devices.
The Stirrer type and Serial number are shown for the connected
No properties can be shown or edited for the connected remote
3.10.5 USB Sample Processor and Robotic Titrosampler
The following settings apply to all USB Sample Processors.
The Robotic Titrosampler is a USB Sample Processor with a built-in
measuring input. The settings of the measuring input are described in
Section 3.10.4.
The tower (or the towers) and the devices at the MSB connections are
listed in a table for the USB Sample Processor that is connected. In
the following example a stirrer is connected to MSB 1 and a dosing
device to MSB 2. If the USB Sample Processor is not connected, only
the Device name and Comment can be edited.