Sequence of the cell constant determination – Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual

Page 276

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4.8 Calibrating conductivity measuring cells (CAL Cond)


PC Control / Touch Control

The parameters for Control device, Sensor and Stirrer are de-

scribed in Section 4.1.5.


Make sure that the sensor to be calibrated has been selected under

Edit command/Sensor. This is the only way to ensure that the cali-

bration data for this sensor is stored in the correct place under Sys-


The choice of the Direct parameters is described in Section 4.1.6.

Sequence of the cell constant determination

Immerse measuring

cell in standard

Start the

calibration com-


Measure or enter

the calibration tem-


If a temperature sensor is connected then the

temperature will be measured. Otherwise a query

will appear and the temperature must be entered


(Enter data of stan-


The characteristics of the calibration standard are

queried, if Request at calibration start is


(Stir and/or

pause before


The solution is stirred before the measurement.

Pause will be allowed to elapse before the meas-


(Switch on stirrer) The stirrer will be switched on if Stir solution

during measurement is activated.

Measure standard The potential of the standard is measured.

(Switch off stirrer) The stirrer will be switched off if the measured

value has been accepted and if Stir solution

during measurement is activated.

Calculate calibra-

tion data

The cell constant is calculated, the limits checked

and, if necessary, an appropriate message dis-

played. The calibration data will be added to the

sensor data for the particular sensor.

Optional steps are shown in brackets.