6 sample data – Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual
Page 131

PC Control / Touch Control
3.16.6 Sample data
In the method you can adapt the label of the sample identifications
1 and 2 which are shown in the main dialog. You can also define the
Sample size unit or a Fixed sample size. The sample size can then
no longer be edited in the main dialog. If you define Sample size
limits then these will be monitored during the determination after
START and at the end of the determination.
If you do not want to show an identification in the main dialog you
can deactivate the checkbox for the corresponding identification. If you
want to enter different method-independent labels for the
identifications, e. g. batch number, density, etc. then you can enter your
own labels under Label. These will be updated in the main dialog and
when the sample data is requested with a REQUEST command.
For the Sample size you can either enter a unit or select one; this will
be shown in the main dialog but can still be altered later. The unit will be
updated each time that the method is loaded in the main dialog.
If you always use the same amount of sample for your determinations
then you can define a Fixed sample size in the method. The sample
size is shown in the main dialog and can no longer be edited.
Enter, for example, "Charge" as label for Identification 1 and
deactivate the checkbox for showing Identification 2. Activate
the Fixed sample size checkbox and enter "10 mL" as the Sample
size. Use [Home] to return to the main dialog.
The main dialog will now appear as shown below: