Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual
Page 136

3.16 Editing parameters
PC Control / Touch Control
Under Memory select the memory location in which the
determinations are to be stored. Determinations can only be stored
on Card 1 or Card 2 or a shared file system (requires 847 USB Lab
Link, see Section 3.10.11). Enter the Group in which the
determinations are to be stored.
If you have retained the standard settings for the File name then it will
be made up of the first 16 characters which you have entered for
Identification 1 and the determination time (date and time):
Identification 1-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss. For the first 16 characters of the
file name you can also select Identification 2 or the name of the
method or you can enter a different text. The date and time will be
appended so that the file name is always unambiguous.
If the Write protection checkbox is activated then the saved
determination files will be automatically write-protected and therefore
protected against accidental alterations or alterations by unauthorized
persons. This function is switched on by default so that the original
data is also retained.
If the Send PC/LIMS report checkbox is activated then an ASCII report
containing all the important data of the determination will be sent
automatically at the end of the determination. The settings for sending
and saving the PC/LIMS report are made in the device manager under
Edit device/PC/LIMS report (see Section 3.10.12). The file name
corresponds to the name of the determination preceded with
PC_LIMS_Report-. I.e. the format is PC_LIMS_Report-Identification 1-
YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.txt if you keep the default settings for the File
name under Save determination automatically. The date and time
correspond to the determination time. A detailed description of the
contents of the PC/LIMS report can be found in the Titrando PC/LIMS
Report Guide.