2 lift (lift), 3 pump (pump) – Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual

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PC Control / Touch Control


The sample rack can be rotated by a certain increment independ-

ently from a rack position with the function +/- rotate.
The robotic arm can also be swung by a certain increment inde-

pendently from the position with +/- swing.
The values of the rotation and swing increment are defined in the

device properties of the tower and of the Swing Head respectively

(see Section 3.10.5).

Beaker test action: If no sample is present at the rack position

that has been moved to then the action selected here will be carried

out, provided that the beaker sensor has been activated in the rack

table (see Section 3.10.5).

Options: The shift rate and the shift direction can be edited

here. The swing rate defines the rate of the robotic arm when mov-

ing to a rack position, a special beaker or an external position.

4.12.2 Lift (LIFT)

The lift can only be moved when the USB Sample Processor is at a

valid rack position. In manual control "--" indicates that the lift is at an

invalid position. This is the case, for example, after a manual rack reset

(see Section 3.24.6).
Tower: The selected lift position is moved to by the selected tower.

Both Tower 1 and Tower 2 are always available for selection, even if

your USB Sample Processor only has one tower.

Lift position: In addition to any lift position in mm the freely de-

finable positions Work position, Shift position, Rinse position and

Special position can be selected. These settings apply for sample

positions, each special beaker and the external positions. The lift

positions are defined in the rack table in the Device manager of the

USB Sample Processor (see Section 3.10.5). However, they can

also be assigned directly in the manual control of the USB Sample

Processor (see Section 3.24.6). A lift height of 0 mm corresponds to

the "Home position", i.e. the lift is being located at the upper stop

position. Please ensure that no lift position exceeds the maximum

stroke path defined in the device properties of the tower.

Lift rate: The rate at which the lift is moved can be edited here.

4.12.3 Pump (PUMP)

The PUMP command is used to control the pumps mounted on or con-

nected to the tower of the USB Sample Processor.
Tower: This is the tower at which the selected pump is to be

switched. Both Tower 1 and Tower 2 are always available for selec-

tion, even if your USB Sample Processor only has one tower.

Pump: Selects the pump that is to be switched. With "1+2" both

pumps will be switched at the same time.

Status/Duration: A pump can be switched on or off, or switched

on for a certain time.