Metrohm 840 PC Control 5.0 / Touch Control User Manual
Page 129

PC Control / Touch Control
• User: Enters the identification of the user who signs. In the overview
of the method properties the name of the user appears as given
under User admin./Edit under Full name. If no complete name
has been entered there then the identification appears in the
overview of the method properties.
• Password: Enters the password.
• Reason: Selects the reason for the signature. Under Login
options/Reasons (see Section 3.7.7) the list of reasons can be
defined by users with Administrator rights.
• Note: A note in addition to the reason can be entered here.
[Cancel] rejects the entries and returns to the overview of the method
properties. You can also [Change password] here. With [Sign] the
method with the given data is signed and a return is made to the
overview of the method properties.
Only saved methods can be signed. The current status of a method
can be seen under Method options/Properties. An overview of the
possible method statuses can be found in the Online help for the
dialog mentioned. If under Login options/Modification options
(see Section 3.7.7) you have defined that a reason is to be demanded
for method modifications then this reason will only be demanded when
the method has the status "modified". If a saved method has been
altered but not yet resaved then its status is "modified".
If a released method has to be revised, e. g. for adaptation to changed
conditions, the signatures must be deleted before the method
sequence can be edited. However, signatures can only be deleted
when the method has been signed at level 2. If the method has been
signed at level 1 then the signatures will be deleted automatically as
soon as the method is modified.
• User: Identification of the user who deletes the signatures.
• Password: Enters the password.
• Reason: Selects the reason for the deletion of the signatures. Under
Login options/Reasons (see Section 3.7.7) the list containing the
reasons can be defined by users with Administrator rights.
• Comment: A comment in addition to the reason can be entered here.