Sony GP-X1EM Grip Extension User Manual
Page 562

File Open Status
ERROR (01)
533X: Device >DDR/VTR
An error was returned from the DDR/VTR, and one of the messages on the
left appears, depending on the error number.
Check the device settings in menu 7355 (Engineering Setup >DCU >Serial/
Net Port Assign) or menu 7325.4 (Engineering Setup >Panel >Device
Interface >Device Assign).
ERROR (02)
ERROR (FF): No target device has
been assigned
Folder Open Status
ERROR (FB): Folder Not Found
533X: Device >DDR/VTR
An error was returned from the DDR/VTR, and one of the messages on the
left appears, depending on the error number.
Check the device settings in menu 7355 (Engineering Setup >DCU >Serial/
Net Port Assign) or menu 7325.4 (Engineering Setup >Panel >Device
Interface >Device Assign).
ERROR (FC): Device Busy
ERROR (FD): Communication Error
ERROR (FE): Device Not Supported
ERROR (FF): No target device has
been assigned
Local drive device is busy.
In order to complete local drive format,
System needs to be restarted and
formatted again.
System will be restarted, then please
execute local drive format again.
7317: Engineering Setup >System >Maintenance
Formatting of the local drive terminated abnormally.
If the local drive is functioning correctly, or in some cases when there is
damage to the local drive, it may not be possible to format the local drive
correctly in a single attempt. In this case, it is necessary to restart the
system, and then carry out formatting again. Press [OK] to restart the
Make sure of the removable drive.
7317: Engineering Setup >System >Maintenance
Formatting of the removable drive terminated abnormally.
Check that the removable drive is connected correctly.
Frame Memory Copy
Cannot copy while playing back or
locking is in progress.
2122: Frame Memory >File >Copy/Move/New Folder
A file or folder cannot be copied because the target contains a folder/file that
is being played back or is locked
The number of folder hierarchy has
exceeded the upper limit.
2122: Frame Memory >File >Copy/Move/New Folder
The folder hierarchy level in the copy destination exceeds the upper limit.
Frame Memory Delete
Cannot delete while playing back or
locking is in progress.
2123: Frame Memory >File >Delete/Rename/Store
A file or folder cannot be deleted because the target contains a folder/file
that is being played back or is locked
Frame Memory Load
Some of the files could not be loaded,
because the memory capacity is
XX file(s)
2121: Frame Memory >File >Load
The remaining memory capacity was insufficient while loading the folder/file
(“XX” indicates the number of files that could not be loaded).
Frame Memory Move
Cannot move while playing back or
locking is in progress.
2122: Frame Memory >File >Copy/Move/New Folder
A file or folder cannot be moved because the target contains a folder/file that
is being played back or is locked
The number of folder hierarchy has
exceeded the upper limit.
2122: Frame Memory >File >Copy/Move/New Folder
The folder hierarchy level in the move destination exceeds the upper limit.
Frame Memory Rename
Cannot rename while playing back or
locking is in progress.
2123: Frame Memory >File >Delete/Rename/Store
A file or folder cannot be renamed because the target contains a folder/file
that is being played back or is locked