Transforms in three-dimensional space, Transforms), Transforms in three-dimensional space (transforms) – Sony GP-X1EM Grip Extension User Manual

Page 215

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Transforms in Three-Dimensional
Space (Transforms)

A transform is the process of a DME placing a video image
in a three-dimensional space and subjecting it to
manipulation, such as movement, rotation, magnification,
or shrinking.

Three-dimensional space

Source space and target space

Images are placed in one of two types of space: source
space and target space.
• Source space is a three-dimensional space using the

image itself for reference. The X- and Y-axes are defined
along the plane of the image, and the Z-axis is defined
perpendicular to the plane of the image. When you move
the image, the coordinate axes also move.

• Target space is a three-dimensional space using the

output monitor screen for reference. The X- and Y-axes
are defined as the horizontal and vertical to the plane of
the monitor screen, and the Z-axis is defined
perpendicular to the plane of the monitor screen. The
coordinates do not change even if the image moves.

For example, as shown in the following figure, the image
moves in a different direction when you move it along the
X-axis of source space and along the X-axis of target

Local space and global space

The coordinates of an individual DME channel are called
its local space. The coordinates common to all channels are
called the global space.
By switching from local to global space, you can add new
movement to the movement of images in individual
channels, and also apply transform effects to multiple

channels that have been combined using global effects


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Three-dimensional parameters

Three-dimensional parameters are X, Y, and Z values
which define the position of an image, its axis of rotation,
the position of the virtual viewpoint of the image, and so
The standard values of parameters are as follows,
depending on the aspect ratio of the monitor (4:3 or 16:9).

Values for 4:3 mode

• Origin at center of image (source space) or center of

monitor (target space)
X = 0.00, Y = 0.00, Z = 0.00

• Upper right corner of image or monitor

X = 12.00, Y = 9.00, Z = 0.00

• Lower left corner of image or monitor

X = –12.00, Y = –9.00, Z = 0.00

Values for 16:9 mode

• Origin at center of image (source space) or center of

monitor (target space)
X = 0.00, Y = 0.00, Z = 0.00

Source space

Target space

Source space

Target space

Rotation around Y-axis in local space

Rotation around Y-axis in global space

Z-axis –
The plus direction on the
Z-axis is into the image
or monitor screen.





Z-axis +



