Key memory key defaults, Key defaults – Sony GP-X1EM Grip Extension User Manual

Page 110

background image


Regardless of the fine key and edge type settings, key fill
and key source are fixed to key drop off mode.

• The resizer function is used in frame delay mode. The

frame delay mode setting is enabled only when the
conditions for use of the resizer are satisfied.

• When using dual resizer effects, the frame delay mode

setting is disabled on the two target keys.

• When the frame delay mode setting is enabled, the video

has a one-frame delay.

Edge fill

When a border, drop border, or shadow is selected, you can
select a signal to fill the edges, called an edge fill.
The edge fill may be either the signal from the dedicated
color matte generator, or the signal currently selected on
the utility 1 bus.
In the case of an outline, there is no edge fill signal
selection, because the key fill signal fills the outline, and
the rest of the image remains as the background.
For the emboss effect, in place of the edge fill signal, the
emboss fill matte 1 and emboss fill matte 2 signals are


A mask uses the background or a key to hide a part of the
image. You can correct the image, such as unwanted holes
that appear in the background or when a key is not the
desired shape, using masks.

Key mask and background mask

There are two types of mask: a key mask and a background

Key mask:

This masks out a part of the key so that the

background becomes visible.

Background mask:

This masks out a part of the

background so that the key fill becomes visible.

Main mask and sub mask

Each keyer allows two masks to be used simultaneously,
and these are referred to as the main mask and the sub
mask. The signal that determines the mask shape and size
is termed the mask source, and different sources are used
for the main mask and sub mask.

Main mask:

This uses the signal from the box generator

provided on each keyer or the signal from a dedicated
pattern generator as the mask source.
When the box generator is selected, a mask using a
rectangular signal is formed.
When a pattern generator is selected, you can select the
pattern and apply modifiers.

Sub mask:

This uses the wipe generator signal or the

signal selected on the utility 1 bus as the mask source.
When the wipe generator is selected, the patterns and
the pattern modifiers are the same as for a wipe

Key Memory

The key memory function allows the keyer settings on
each cross-point button to be automatically stored, so that
the next time the same cross-point button is selected these
settings are recalled automatically.
There are two modes for key memory: simple mode and
full mode.
The parameters stored in each mode are as follows.

Simple mode:

key type, clean mode (including the plane

setting for chroma keying), key position, key invert,
and adjustment values for the particular key type (Clip,
Gain, Density, Filter, etc. This includes color vector
key, wipe pattern key, key wipe pattern key, and
chroma key. However, in the case of a chroma key, it
excludes color cancel, Y balance, foreground CCR,
window, and shadow.)

Full mode:

All settings except transitions (the same

parameters as simple mode: Fine Key, key modifiers,
main and sub mask settings, chroma key detailed
settings, and so on)

For details about setting the mode, see “Selecting the key
memory mode” (page 471).

Key Defaults

With a simple operation, you can return the key adjustment
values to their defaults.
The adjustment values which can be returned to their
default values are as follows.
• Adjustment values for the particular key type (Clip,

Gain, Density, Filter, etc.)
In the case of chroma keys, all adjustment values return
to their default values.

• Key position


area (box)

Key mask

Background mask