Programmable dme, Undoing an edit operation, Duration mode setting – Sony GP-X1EM Grip Extension User Manual

Page 315: Transition mode settings for user programmable dme

background image


Undoing an Edit Operation

To undo a keyframe insert, modify, delete, or paste
operation immediately after execution, press the [UNDO]

Duration Mode Setting

There are two keyframe duration modes: variable duration
mode, and constant duration mode in which the effect
duration is fixed

(see page 299)


• To select variable duration mode, press the [CONST

DUR] button, turning it dark blue.

• To select constant duration mode, press the [CONST

DUR] button, turning it orange.

Transition Mode Settings for User
Programmable DME

To create an effect for user programmable DME, it is
necessary to set the transition mode.

User programmable DME transition mode

For the transition mode set when creating a keyframe
effect for a user programmable DME pattern, the
following can be used.


Single transition mode

Flip tumble (Flip Tumble):

Flip tumble transition mode


Dual transition mode

Picture-in-picture (P in P):

1-channel and 2-channel

picture-in-picture transition mode


A type of picture-in-picture, in which the new

image is the background, and the currently visible
image shrinks, and then expands to its original size

(see page 315)


Frame in-out (Frame I/O):

1-channel or 2-channel,

frame in-out transition mode. When the first transition
completes, if you move the position of the image, you
can move it both horizontally and vertically


page 315)


Frame in-out H (Frame I/O H):

A type of frame in-out,

which is specified when creating a transition effect in
the horizontal direction. The image movement is

reflected at both the transition start point and end point

(see page 316)


The operation is carried out according to DME wipe
patterns 1202, 1203, or 1204.

Frame in-out V (Frame I/O V):

A type of frame in-out,

which is specified when creating a transition effect in
the vertical direction. The image movement is
reflected at both the transition start point and end point

(see page 316)


Transition mode “Compress”

The change in the image when the transition mode is set to
“Compress” is as follows, in comparison to the case of

Transition mode “Frame in-out”

In this mode, when the first transition has completed, you
can move the image with the positioner in both horizontal
and vertical directions, but the image position at the
transition start point and end point does not change.
The description is of an example of creating an effect such
as the following.



: Loop range


Example of the image
change in the transition
mode “Picture-in-picture”
(1-channel mode)

Example of the image
change in the transition
mode “Compress”

First stroke

Second stroke

First stroke

Second stroke