Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual
Page 8
1.2 Application possibilities
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
Up to twelve Dosinos or Dosimats can be addressed for titrating or dos-
ing tasks.
The 726 Titroprocessor has a connection for a bar-code reader for en-
tering sample-specific data available in bar-code format.
External instruments such as conductivity meters, dosing units, ion me-
ters or any other peripheral devices can be operated both via the two
serial RS 232C interfaces as well as via the "Remote" socket of the Titro-
processor and the "remote" socket(s) of the 717 Sample changer(s) (two
717 Sample changers can be connected at the same time). In the full
version there are 36 output lines and 24 input lines available which can
be individually set or monitored.
A measuring group on the 726 Titroprocessor comprises two high-
impedance measuring inputs for pH, redox or ISE sensors as well as an
input for a separate reference electrode. These inputs can also serve as
differential amplifier connections. A measuring input for polarized elec-
trodes with a polarizer also forms a part of a measuring group, as does a
measuring input for Pt 1000 or Pt 100 temperature sensors.
The instrument versions with two measuring groups have twice the num-
ber of measuring connections mentioned above.
The run sequences for processing the individual samples can be freely de-
fined within wide limits and can be stored as methods both in the internal
memory of the Titroprocessor or separately on a separate data card and be
transferred to other instruments of the same type.
Methods can include up to 99 command steps, of which up to five can be
titration or measuring modes whose measuring data and results can be
printed out directly, transferred to a LIMS system or stored. The measuring
data produced can be reloaded at a later date and re-evaluated and re-
For complex automation tasks numerous functions for operating the 717
Sample changer are available. Two sample changers can be connected at
the same time; however, in an automatic method run only one of them can
be operated at once.
If series of samples are to be processed then special start and finish se-
quences (OMOVE and CMOVE sequences) can be defined, each of which
is processed once only at the start and finish of a series of samples. This
means that for a series of titrations the electrodes can be conditioned or
calibrated with a specific series of buffers.
The 717 Sample changer itself offers all the functions necessary for a pow-
erful automated system. Operation of the turntable, titrating heads, pumps
and stirrers, even the 'Remote' interface of the sample changer can be car-
ried out directly from the Titroprocessor.
Interchangeable standard sample racks are available for many sizes of
sample vessels. Freely definable "special beaker" positions can be defined
for each rack. These are used to locate the position of rinsing or condition-
ing beakers in the rack; these can be selected in any part-sequence.