9 cal, 1 simple calibration, 2 specific cal* mode parameters [ * param – Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 184: 3 automatic calibration

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8.9 CAL

726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



8.9 CAL

Automated calibration of pH electrodes is possible as well as manual cali-

bration. Individual buffer sets can be defined and stored in a method. The

calibration can be carried out as a simple run in dialog operation with man-

ual change of the buffer solutions. If a sample changer is used the calibra-

tion procedure can be carried out fully automatically. The necessary sample

changer commands can be programmed in detail in a calibration loop.

The CAL* mode creates the following system variables:


End result


Intermediate result (not shown in report)


Common variables (automatic assignment)


Asymmetry pH value, pH(as)


Slope of the calibrated electrode


Initial measured value at start of calibration (in mV)


Closing measured value at end of calibration (in mV)


Initial temperature at start of calibration in °C


Closing temperature at end of calibration in °C


Mode duration (total measurement period) in s

No live displays are possible in the calibration mode. However, it is possible

to carry out calculations using existing system variables, see page 118ff.

The calibration data produced are entered on the Devices & Manual Control'

page. The corresponding calibration curve is also available.

8.9.1 Simple calibration

Calibration parameters



Sensor Signal drift 2 mV/min

Meas. input A1 Equilibr.time auto s
Temperature 25.0



Comments on calibration mode

(50 characters)

The commentary on the mode is used for identifying the

specific measurement within a determination. This is

chiefly used for more complex methods with several ti-

tration or measuring modes.

Signal drift

Limit for measurement drift

0.5…2…999 mV/Min | off

The measured value is only accepted when the variation

in the sensor measurement falls below the given value

for the measurement drift. If this is delayed then the

measurement will nevertheless be accepted when the

preset delay period (see below) has elapsed.