4 buret units, 1 tubing definitions, 2 700 dosino, dosing units – Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 52: 3 685dosimat, exchange units

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3.4 Buret

Buret units

726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



3.4 Buret units

The definition of a buret unit is used to fix the parameters of different tubing

of exchange units and dosing devices. The tubing dimensions (length and

diameter)are used in order to calculate the optimal volumes for rinsing the

tubings and the buret cylinder. These definitions of the buret units are made

with the commands Prepare (PREP) and Empty (EMPTY only with

Dosinos), as well as the corresponding manual functions.

If the exchange and dosing units you use have different tubing dimensions

from the tubing supplied as standard then you must define your own type of

buret units.

Exchange units (for Dosimat 685) and dosing units (for Dosino 700) should

always be prepared before a sample series is carried out, i.e. completely

rinsed with reagent in order to ensure that all tubing is complete and

homogeneously filled without any air bubbles. In this way the greatest

possible accuracy which these extremely precise dosing systems allow is

achieved for every determination.

If in a method the PREP or the EMPTY command (only for Dosinos) is

used then the name of the type of buret unit must be given.

PREP Tubing Default Dos. drive A1

If the preparation of a buret unit (emptying only for Dosinos) is to be

carried out manually, (dialog page 'Devices & Manual Control',
see below) then the type of buret unit must also be given:

³ Dos. drive A1 700

³ Reagent HCl

³ Concentr. 0.1 mol/L

³ Tubing Default

³ Buret type 10.0mL

³ Piston position exchange
³ Dosing status ready