3 met monotonic equivalence point titration, 1 measuring mode, 2 reagent addition and measurement acceptance – Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 109: 3 automatic equivalence point recognition, 4 fixed endpoints, 5 evaluation of pk and hnp values

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7. Titration and measuring modes

726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



7.3 MET

Monotonic equivalence point titration

modes are flexible titration modes for titrations which do not provide S-

shapes titration curves or for kinetic inhibited titration reactions. Their typical

features are constant dosing increments at regular or drift-dependent time

intervals and automatic equivalence point recognition.

The equivalence point evaluation is carried out on the basis of the Fortuin

method with an optimized evaluation algorithm.

Important: reagent addition and measurement acceptance can also be

optimally adapted for demanding applications. However, incorrectly se-

lected parameters such as too large volume increments can easily produce

imprecise results.

7.3.1 Measuring mode

A monotonic equivalence point titration can be carried out with four different

types of measurement:

potentiometric pH measurement (MET_PH*)

potentiometric voltage measurement (MET_U*)

amperometric measurement with selectable polarization voltage (MET_UPOL*)

voltametric measurement with selectable polarization current


7.3.2 Reagent addition and measurement acceptance

Reagent addition is defined by laying down the size of the constant volume

increments and the dosing speed. The addition thus does not have any di-

rect relationship to the measuring behavior.

After the addition of a dosing increment the potential of the sample solution

is measured. Acceptance of a measurement in the measuring point list can

be drift-controlled or after a fixed waiting period. In drift-controlled meas-

urement acceptance the measurement drift of the measured potential must

be lower than a predefined amount for it to be accepted as a valid meas-

urement. If after a defined waiting period has elapsed this measurement drift

has not been undercut then the momentary measurement will be accepted

and included in the list of measuring points together with the corresponding

value for the volume.