Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 225

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10. Curves and re-evaluation

726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use





shows the selection list for similar types of determination
contained in the working memory. If a curve is selected it

will be added to the curve already shown.


opens a selection list with the available curves for the
current determination, i.e. those titrations or

measurements which have been carried out in the actual

determination. After confirmation with the

selected curve will be shown.


allows the EP recognition criteria and the curve display to
be processed.


³ EP ³Curve ³ ³

³Recogn.³display³ ³


See pages 138ff and 141ff. Please note that the curve

presentation on the time axis is only possible if time

recording was switched on for the corresponding

determination, see page 134.


opens the dialog window for altering the calculation
formulas for recalculations, see page 118ff.


opens the dialog window for altering the reports of the
selected data records.



opens the dialog window for altering the local common
variables. These are copies of the common variables valid

at the time of the determination.



opens a window for displaying the calibration data for pH
measurements and pH titrations.


Calibration data


³ ³

³ Meas. input A1 ³

³ Cal. sensor ³

³ Cal. method manual ³

³ Cal. date 97-12-10 ³

³ Cal. time 14:19:08 ³

³ Temperature 25.0 §C ³

³ pH(as) 6.956 ³

³ Slope 0.998 ³

³ ³


These are the calibration data which were valid at the time

of the determination.

[>> >>]

switches to the second softkey bar.