4 re-evaluation – Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 230

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10.4 Re-evaluation


726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use




Titration curve grid

on | off

The titration curve grid is only shown on the titration

curve printout. It cannot be shown on the screen.

An alteration to the representation parameters has a direct effect on the

presentation of the curve.

The curve can be printed out in the new presentation by pressing the,

key or reproducing a complete curve report. By

pressing the key the printer dialog window opens. After the

required mode has been selected with the cursor keys the [Select

softkey allows the selection of the possible reports. Select either


(volume curve) or T_Curve (time curve) and then the quantity to

be shown.

10.4 Re-evaluation

For a re-evaluation (only for DET and MET modes) all settings which have

an effect on the recognition of the equivalence point can be altered by

pressing the softkeys [* Param] and [EP Recogn.].


EP Recognition


³ ³

³ Equivalence points window min. EPC 5.0 ³

³ Gen. lower limit pH min upp. pH max ³

³ pK/HNP Evaluation off ³

³ ³

³ Windows Fixendpoints ³

³ EP# from ... to [pH] EPC [] F# M.value [pH] ³


³ 1 min max 5.0 1 off ³

³ 2 off off 5.0 2 off ³

³ 3 off off 5.0 3 off ³

³ 4 off off 5.0 4 off ³

³ 5 off off 5.0 5 off ³

³ 6 off off 5.0 6 off ³

³ 7 off off 5.0 7 off ³

³ 8 off off 5.0 8 off ³

³ 9 off off 5.0 9 off ³


Details of the individual settings can be found on page 138ff.

Alterations of the evaluation parameters have no direct effect on the

presentation of the curve . This requires the complete recalculation of the

measuring data. This is done by changing to the results page. Press the

softkey on the main page, change to the second softkey bar

and press [Recalc]. This brings all result calculations up to date and
shows the recalculated results.

The determination files with the newly calculated results and the altered

settings can be stored in a new determination file in a selectable memory

area by pressing the [File] softkey on the results page to call up the file
dialog window.