2 det dynamic equivalence point titration, 1 measuring mode, 2 reagent addition and measurement acceptance – Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 106: 3 automatic equivalence point recognition, 4 fixed endpoints, 5 evaluation of pk and hnp values

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7.2 DET

Dynamic equivalence point titration

726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



7.2 DET

Dynamic equivalence point titration

modes are universal titration modes which can be used for most

(unproblematic) titrations. Their features are a dynamically titration algo-

rithm, variable dosing steps, drift-controlled measurement acceptance and

automatic equivalence point recognition.

They also recognize potential jumps which lie close together or which are

not very distinct.

Important: as the addition of the reagent depends on the measuring data

the titration should not vary too greatly from an S-shaped curve.

7.2.1 Measuring mode

A dynamic equivalence point titration can be carried out with four different

types of measurement:

potentiometric pH measurement (DET_PH*)

potentiometric voltage measurement (DET_U*)

amperometric measurement with selectable polarization voltage (DET_UPOL*)

voltametric measurement with selectable polarization current (DET_IPOL*)

7.2.2 Reagent addition and measurement acceptance

The reagent addition and measurement acceptance are very closely related.

The optimal size of a dosing increment is always determined by the change

in the measurement following the preceding addition. The addition of titrant

therefore depends on the slope of the titration curve. After the addition of the

particular dosing increment the potential of the sample solution is meas-

ured. Acceptance of a measurement in the measuring point list can also

take place with controlled drift. In drift-controlled measurement acceptance

the measurement drift of the measured potential must be lower than a pre-

defined amount for it to be accepted as a valid measurement. If after a de-

fined waiting period has elapsed this measurement drift has not been un-

dercut then the momentary measurement will be accepted and included in

the list of measuring points together with the corresponding value for the


V [mL]

U [mV]

DET: "equilibrium titration"

Reagent addition:

variable volume increments,

depending on the slope of the


Measurement acceptance:

drift-controlled and/or after wait-

ing period