Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual
Page 187
8. Command reference
8. Command reference
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
possible to enter other values.
If no buffer value is entered the Titroprocessor will try to
determine the appropriate value during the method run
and use it in the calibration.
Calibration procedure
The buffer solutions entered as a parameter will be processed in the se-
quence given. Before an individual buffer is measured an information win-
dow opens to show which buffer should be measured. This ensures that the
correct buffer is used for the measurement.
³ ³
³ Hold: ³
³ Prepare buffer 7.000! ³
³ press
³ ³
8.9.3 Automatic calibration
If an automatic calibration is to be carried out using a sample changer then
it is necessary to carry out sample changer commands between the meas-
urements of the individual buffer solutions. This can be achieved by pro-
gramming a calibration loop (CAL…)CAL.
Command Parameters Parameters
CAL* Calibration with defined buffer table
Sensor comb. glass Signal drift 2 mV/min
Meas. input A1 Equilibr.time auto s
Temperature 25.0 øC
When a calibration loop is processed a particular buffer solution in the de-
fined buffer table will be measured. The calibration loop is run through sev-
eral times until all buffer solutions have been measured, when the method
processing will be continued with the next command.
Calibration loop processing is controlled by the system variable $BC
('Buffer Counter'). This counter can be accessed during a method run (e.
g. in a CASE sequence, see page 194ff).
In an automatic calibration the buffer solutions should be placed in the spe-
cial beaker positions (see page 41) of a sample rack.