8 meas extended measuring functions, 1 measuring modes, 2 standard measurement – Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 120: 3 multiple measurement

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7.8 MEAS Extended measuring functions

726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



7.8 MEAS Extended measuring functions

modes are universal measuring functions with which various meas-

urable variables of a sample can be recorded. Their features are drift or

time-controlled recording from one or more measuring points over a par-

ticular period of time.

7.8.1 Measuring modes

The following variables can be recorded:

potentiometric pH measurement (MEAS_PH*)

potentiometric voltage measurement (MEAS_U*)

amperometric measurement with polarization voltage (MEAS_UPOL*)

voltametric measurement with polarization current (MEAS_IPOL*)

In each of these measuring modes the sample solution temperature can be

determined in parallel for each measuring point and for pH measurements

the value recorded can be appropriately corrected.

drift or time-controlled temperature measurement (MEAS_T*)

7.8.2 Standard measurement

The standard measurement represents a simple individual measurement

which may be drift-controlled or time-controlled. For example, in order to re-

cord the reaction behavior of a sensor it is possible to record the raw data of

the measurement at short time intervals (sampling time) and to assess them

as a measuring curve.

Note: these raw data are not exact measuring data; they are unfiltered and

influenced by the background noise of the measuring system.

The 'smoothed', i.e. filtered final measurement value (variable CM) should

be used for calculations.

Drift / time-controlled measurement acceptance

Measurement acceptance is carried out to the same principles as in a mo-

notonic (MET) titration. In drift-controlled measurement acceptance the

measurement drift of the sensor must be less than a defined amount in or-

der to be accepted as a valid measurement. If after a defined waiting period

has elapsed this measurement drift has not been undercut then the mo-

mentary measurement will be accepted. For time-controlled measurement

acceptance the measurement drift must be switched off. In this case only

the set waiting period is decisive for the measurement.