11 keypads – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 Multi-Loop Process Controller Instruction Manual User Manual

Page 90

background image


To the right of the display is the

vertical keypad and directly beneath the display is the horizontal

keypad. Both keypads have functioning push buttons that are dependent on the instrument mode of
operation which can be either

operator/control mode or engineer mode. Mode selection is made

with the

Mode (

) push button on the horizontal keypad. Engineer mode is entered to make the

necessary datapoint entries for controller operation; otherwise, the instrument is left in operator/con-
trol mode for process applications. The operator/control mode functions for the keypad push buttons
vary with the displays; therefore, they are described in Section 4, Operator Displays. Both keypads
for engineering mode operation are described as follows:

Horizontal Keypad:


F1) (F2) (F3)

Push Button


Operator Mode

Engineer Mode


See Section 4.0
O p e r a t o r

Back to previous entry line function (Quit).


Pages the configure/display/program functions (see
engineer mode command hierarchy in Figure 3-2).
In Module Mode - Selects next PAGE (when in
Parameter List only)


Executes an Enter or select function.


O p e r a t o r / E n g i n e e r m o d e s e l e c t . A l s o c a l l e d A C K / S E L f o r

Vertical Keypad:




Configure Datapoint Mode

[Sec. 3.12.4]

Configure Module Mode

[Sec. 3.12.5]


D i s p l a y s o n e c h a r a c t e r a t a t i m e i n
ascending alphanumeric order; it is released
when the desired character, number, or
symbol appears on the engineer mode data
entry line.

Scroll up


D i s p l a y s o n e c h a r a c t e r a t a t i m e i n
d e s c e n d i n g a l p h a n u m e r i c o r d e r ; i t i s
r e l e a s e d w h e n t h e d e s i r e d c h a r a c t e r ,
number, or symbol appears on the engineer
mode data entry line.

Scroll down

Shift Left

Shifts the selected character one position left
on the engineer mode data entry line each
time it is pressed.

Scroll left/Previous module
(Parameter list only)

Shift Right

Shifts the characters on the engineer mode
data entry line one character position right
each time it is pressed.

Scroll right/Previous module
(Parameter list only)

Section 3. Product Description
