2 scope of book – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 Multi-Loop Process Controller Instruction Manual User Manual

Page 18

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The information layout of the book is illustrated in Figure 1-2 and described as follows:

Section 1, Introduction - This section contains product overview information, a product
model number breakdown, product specifications, and a list of related documentation.

Section 2, Installation - This section provides information to physically mount the controller
in a panel and information to mount the ITBs. It also provides power and signal connection
information for the controller and ITBs. Detailed controller power wiring example diagrams
are provided for a +24 V dc power source (negative ground), 24 V dc power source (control-
ler positive, negative, or floating ground), 110/120 V ac power source, 220/240 V ac power
source, and 220 (208)/240 V ac (no neutral) power source.

Section 3, Product Description - This section provides a physical description of the prod-
uct. It explains the SCAN index sampling time intervals and sampling time intervals for
other various product functions such as trending and totalizing. It describes the function in-
dexes, database, and front display keypad functions. Also provided in this section are in-
structions to use the Hand Held Configurer (HHC) to configure the controller database
datapoints instead of using the controller keypad push buttons.

Section 4, Operator Displays - This section describes the standard displays of the control-
ler. All of the displays described are available on every controller; however, some displays
may not be active, dependent on the controller version purchased (e.g., single loop, 2 loop,
or 4 loop versions).

Section 5, Configuration Parameters - This section describes the datapoint types, pro-
vides a summary illustration of the controller database modules, and provides a definition of
each datapoint in the database modules.

Sections 6 through 15, Control Strategy 1 (CS1) - Control Strategy 41 (CS41) - Each sec-
tion provides a brief description and illustration of a predefined control strategy application.
The applicable external control signals for each control strategy are defined and the control
strategy standard displays are listed. Also provided is a datapoint configuration illustration
followed by the specific datapoint definitions for each control strategy.

Section 16, Tuning PID Parameters - This section provides three methods to tune the in-
strument: Trial and Error, Proportional Cycle, and Step Response (Ziegler-Nichols).

Section 17, EASY-TUNE - This section provides information to initiate EASY-TUNE and to
modify the tuning parameters. EASY-TUNE is the controller self-tuning algorithm used to
help determine the optimal values for the Proportional Band, Integral, and Derivative control
action datapoints. This section also provides definitions of the tuning sequence status pa-

Section 18, Maintenance and Parts List - This section provides a parts replacement proce-
dure, an illustrated parts breakdown of the controller, a parts list, calibration information for
the analog input/output zero and span settings, hardware malfunction messages, a hardware
reset procedure, Hand Held Configurer (HHC) and Valve Holder pin assignments, schemat-
ics of the ITBs, and illustrations with descriptive summaries of the Expansion Board Option

53MC5000 Process Control Station
