Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 Multi-Loop Process Controller Instruction Manual User Manual
Page 122

Ratio Auto/Manual Station). Also, many of the faceplate push button operator functions are Not
Applicable (N/A) for the Indicator (CDM = 1) and Manual Loader (CDM = 2) graphical presentations
as shown in Table 4-4, which follows.
Table 4-4. Faceplate Push Buttons (Operator Functions)
or Local
(N/A for Indicator and
Manual Loader)
Selects the Remote or Local setpoint modes for displays of
all control strategies except CS2, CS3, and CS5. Selects
Computer direct element control or Local setpoint control
mode for graphical display of CS2. Affects ratio term K1 in
Ratio or selects Local setpoint control mode for displays of
CS3 and CS5. When R is selected, an R appears as the
control mode indicator. When L is selected, an L appears
as the control mode indicator.
Setpoint Up
(N/A for Indicator and
Manual Loader)
Setpoint increase and decrease push buttons when R/L is in
Local. Setpoint dynamic characteristics are: A single short
push on either button causes the setpoint to move 0.1% of
full scale. Holding the push button causes the setpoint to
slew at a rate of 4% per second for the next 4 seconds.
Continuing to hold the push button increases the slew rate
to 16% of the control range.
These push buttons also move the line item pointer up and
down in some group displays.
Setpoint Down
(N/A for Indicator and
Manual Loader)
Auto/Manual Select
(N/A for Indicator and
Manual Loader)
Auto selects automatic output control from the controller PID
algorithm. Manual allows output to be controlled by the
output push buttons. When A is selected, an A appears as
the control mode indicator. When M is selected, an M
appears as the control mode indicator.
Output Decrease
(N/A for Indicator)
Output decrease when A/M is in Manual. (The control mode
indicator is an M.)
Output Increase
(N/A for Indicator)
Output increase when A/M is in Manual. (The control mode
indicator is an M.)
Next Group List/Page
Pages back through simple display lists. Pages to the nest
display group for hierarchical display lists.
Page In List/Page
Pages forward through simple display lists. Pages to the
next display within a group for hierarchical display lists.
Moves the loop pointer horizontally to select a loop in multi-
point displays. (For the Parameter display, it copies the
pointed line to the edit overlay that appears at the bottom of
the display. After the addressed datapoint is altered, F3 is
used to insert the data back into the pointed line.)
Alarm Reset/Mode
Used to reset the alarm annunciator or toggle between
operator/control and engineer modes (see Section 3 for
engineering mode push button functions). Pressing this
push button after the process variable is within tolerable
limits past Dead Band causes the alarm indicator to
Section 4. Operator Displays