Metrohm 732 IC Detector User Manual
Page 169

6 Interfaces
732 IC Detector / 733 IC Separation Center
Once you are at the desired location in the tree, you can request the
value of the object:
&Config.Aux.Dialog $Q Q for query
The inquiry ‘
’ initiates the output of the value on the instrument, in
other words the value output is triggered. Entries which begin with the
character ‘
’ always trigger something and are hence referred to as
triggers in what follows.
However, values of objects can not only be requested, they can also be
modified. Values are always inputted in inverted commas, e.g.
Call-up of objects
A section from the object tree is shown below:
Node 3
Node 2
Node 1
Node 0
The following rules apply to the call-up of objects:
The root of the tree is designated by ‘&’.
For the call-up of an object, the nodes (levels) of the tree are
marked by a point (.).
For the call-up of the objects, as many characters as
necessary to allow unambiguous allocation of the object
suffice. If the call-up is not unambiguous, the first object in
the series is identified.
Call up of the dialog language:
or &C.A.D
Uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
or &c.a.d
A value can be assigned to an object. Values are marked at
both their beginning and end by inverted commas ("). They
can contain maximum 24 ASCII characters. In the case of
parameters with specified text expressions (e.g. on, off), only
the English expressions may be used. Numeric values can
contain up to 6 digits, a negative sign and a decimal point.
Numbers with more than 6 digits are not accepted; more
than 4 decimal places are rounded off. With numbers <1,
leading zeros must be entered.
Entry of the dialog language:
Correct numeric entries:
Incorrect numeric entries:
"1,5" or "+3" or ".1"