Configuring static-neighbor on non-default vrfs, Assigning loopback interfaces, Configuring load sharing for multi-vrfs – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 655: Multi-vrf show commands
Configuring static-neighbor on non-default VRFs
This command configures static-neighbor entries on a VRF interface. The command is specific to VRF
AF mode, and is enabled when IPv6 AF is configured. For example:
Brocade(config)# vrf customer-1
Brocade(config-vrf-customer-1)# address-family ipv6
Brocade(config-vrf-customer-1-ipv4)# ipv6 neighbor 2000::1 eth 7/1 0.0.1
Brocade(config-vrf-customer-1-ipv4)# exit-address-family
Brocade(config-vrf-customer-1)# exit-vrf
Assigning loopback interfaces
Assigning loopback interfaces to a particular VRF is similar to assigning any normal interface to a VRF.
A loopback interface not assigned to a VRF belongs to the default VRF. For example:
Brocade#con t
Brocade(config-lbif-1)# vrf forwarding customer-1
Brocade(config-lbif-1)# ip address
Brocade(config-lbif-1)# end
Configuring load sharing for Multi-VRFs
The load sharing CLI command is under the ip node. This configuration is only available in the global
mode, and will affect all the VRFs. Load-sharing configuration per each VRF instance is not supported.
To enable ipv4 load sharing:
Brocade(config)# ip load-sharing 3
Syntax: [no] ip load-sharing [ number ]
To enable ipv6 load sharing:
Brocade(config)#ipv6 load-sharing 4
Syntax: [no] ipv6 load-sharing [ number ]
Multi-VRF Show commands
Use the commands in this section to view information about VRF instances.
Configuring static-neighbor on non-default VRFs
FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide