Configuring bgp4+ graceful restart purge timer – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

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Configuring BGP4+ graceful restart stale routes timer

Use the following command to specify the maximum amount of time a helper device will wait for an end-
of-RIB message from a peer before deleting routes from that peer.

device(config-bgp)# graceful-restart stale-routes-time 120

Syntax: [no] graceful-restart stale-routes-time seconds

The seconds variable sets the maximum time before a helper device cleans up stale routes. The
allowable range is 1 to 3600 seconds. The default value is 360 seconds.

Configuring BGP4+ graceful restart purge timer

Use the following command to specify the maximum amount of time a device will maintain stale routes
in its routing table before purging them.

device(config-bgp)# graceful-restart purge-time 900

Syntax: [no] graceful-restart purge-time seconds

The seconds variable sets the maximum time before a restarting device cleans up stale routes. The
allowable range is 1 to 3600 seconds. The default value is 600 seconds.

Displaying BGP4+ graceful restart neighbor information

To display BGP4+ graceful restart information for BGP4 and BGP4+ neighbors, enter the show ipv6
bgp neighbors

device# show ipv6 bgp neighbors

Total number of BGP Neighbors: 2

1 IP Address: 2001:1001::1, AS: 63753 (IBGP), RouterID:, VRF: default-vrf

Description: SWD-2

State: ESTABLISHED, Time: 0h47m50s, KeepAliveTime: 60, HoldTime: 180

KeepAliveTimer Expire in 26 seconds, HoldTimer Expire in 168 seconds

Minimal Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds

MD5 Password: $Qj0tZHMlXC1vbjYt

UpdateSource: Loopback 1

NextHopSelf: yes

RefreshCapability: Received

GracefulRestartCapability: Received

Restart Time 120 sec, Restart bit 0

afi/safi 2/1, Forwarding bit 0

GracefulRestartCapability: Sent

Restart Time 120 sec, Restart bit 0

afi/safi 2/1, Forwarding bit 0

Messages: Open Update KeepAlive Notification Refresh-Req


Displaying BGP4+ graceful restart neighbor information

FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide

