Clearing bgp4+ information, Removing route flap dampening, Clearing route flap dampening statistics – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 537

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In some cases, such as when the device is acting as an edge device, you can allow the device to use
the default route as a valid next-hop. To do so, enter the following command at the BGP4+ address
family configuration level of the CLI.

Brocade(config-bgp-ipv6u)# next-hop-enable-default

Syntax:[no] next-hop-enable-default

Clearing BGP4+ information

This section contains information about clearing the following for BGP4+:

• Route flap dampening.
• Route flap dampening statistics.
• Neighbor information.
• BGP4+ routes in the IPv6 route table.
• Neighbor traffic counters.

The clear commands implemented for BGP4+ correspond to the clear commands implemented for
IPv4 BGP. For example, you can specify the clear ipv6 bgp flap-statistics command for IPv6 and the
clear ip bgp flap-statistics for IPv4.

Removing route flap dampening

You can un-suppress routes by removing route flap dampening from the routes. The device allows you
to un-suppress all routes at once or un-suppress individual routes.

To un-suppress all the suppressed routes, enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level or
any of the Config levels of the CLI.

device# clear ipv6 bgp dampening

Syntax: clear ipv6 bgp dampening [ ipv6-prefix/prefix-length ]

You must specify the ipv6-prefix parameter in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons as
documented in RFC 2373.

You must specify the prefix-length parameter as a decimal value. A slash mark (/) must follow the ipv6-
parameter and precede the prefix-length parameter.

To un-suppress a specific route, enter a command such as the following:

device# clear ipv6 bgp dampening 2001:db8::/32

This command un-suppresses only the routes for network 2001:db8::/32.

Clearing route flap dampening statistics

The device allows you to clear all route flap dampening statistics or statistics for a specified IPv6 prefix
or a regular expression.

Clearing BGP4+ information

FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide

