Displaying ipsec configuration for an area – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 375

background image

secAuthenticationErrors 0

secReplayErrors: 0 ipsecPolicyErrors: 13

secOtherReceiveErrors: 0 ipsecSendErrors: 0

secAuthenticationErrors 0

secReplayErrors: 0 ipsecPolicyErrors: 13

secOtherReceiveErrors: 0 ipsecSendErrors: 0

secUnknownSpiErrors: 0

Syntax: show ipsec statistics

This command takes no parameters.

Displaying IPsec configuration for an area

The show ipv6 ospf area command includes information about IPsec for one area or all areas. In the
following example, the IPsec information is in bold. IPsec is enabled in the first area (area 0) in this
example but not in area 3. Note that in area 3, the IPsec key was specified as not encrypted.

device(config-ospf6-router)#show ipv6 ospf area

Authentication: Configured

KeyRolloverTime(sec): Configured: 25 Current: 20

KeyRolloverState: Active,Phase1

Current: None

New: SPI:400, ESP, SHA1


Interface attached to this area: eth 1/1/1

Number of Area scoped LSAs is 6

Sum of Area LSAs Checksum is 0004f7de

Statistics of Area 0:

SPF algorithm executed 6 times

SPF last updated: 482 sec ago

Current SPF node count: 1

Router: 1 Network: 0

Maximum of Hop count to nodes: 0

Area 3:

Authentication: Not Configured

Interface attached to this area:

Number of Area scoped LSAs is 3

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf area [area-id]

The area-id parameter restricts the display to the specified OSPF area. You can specify the area-id
parameter in the following formats:

• An IPv4 address
• A numerical value in the range 0 through 2,147,483,647

show ipv6 ospf area output descriptions


This field



This field shows whether or not authentication is configured. If this field says "Not Configured,"
the IPsec-related fields (bold in example screen output) are not displayed at all.

KeyRolloverTime The number of seconds between each initiation of a key rollover. This field shows the

configured and current times.

KeyRolloverState Can be:

Not active: key rollover is not active.

Active phase 1: rollover is in its first interval.

Active phase 2: rollover is in its second interval.

Displaying IPsec configuration for an area

FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide

