Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 274

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The match command in the route map matches on routes that have 5 for their metric value (cost). The
set command changes the metric in routes that match the route map to 8.

The redistribute static command enables redistribution of static IP routes into OSPF, and uses route
map "abc" to control the routes that are redistributed. In this example, the route map allows a static IP
route to be redistributed into OSPF only if the route has a metric of 5, and changes the metric to 8
before placing the route into the OSPF route table.

The following command shows the result of the redistribution. Since only one of the static IP routes
configured above matches the route map, only one route is redistributed. Notice that the route’s metric
is 5 before redistribution but is 8 after redistribution.

device# show ip ospf database external

Index Aging LS ID Router Netmask Metric Flag

1 2 ffff0000 80000008 0000

Syntax: [no] redistribute { bgp | connected | rip | isis [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] | static [ route-
map-name ] }

The bgp, connected, rip, and static parameters specify the route source.

The route-map map-name parameter specifies the route map name. The following match parameters
are valid for OSPF redistribution:

match ip address | next-hop acl-num
match metric num
match tag tag-value

A match tag can take up to 16 tags. During the execution of a route-map a match on any tag value in
the list is considered a successful match.

The following set parameters are valid for OSPF redistribution:

set ip next hop ip-addr
set metric [+ | - ] num | none
set metric-type type-1 type-1 | type-2
set tag tag-value

You must configure the route map before you configure a redistribution that uses the route map.

When you use a route map for route redistribution, the software disregards the permit or deny action of
the route map.

For an external route that is redistributed into OSPF through a route map, the metric value of the route
remains the same unless the metric is set by a set metric command inside the route map. The
default-metric num command has no effect on the route. This behavior is different from a route that is
redistributed without using a route map. For a route redistributed without using a route map, the metric
is set by the default-metric command.



FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide
