Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 357

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show ipv6 ospf interface brief output descriptions (Continued)


This field Displays


The status of the link and the protocol. Possible status include the following:

• Up.
• Down.


The type of OSPFv3 circuit running on the interface. Possible types include the following:

• BCST- Broadcast interface type
• P2P- Point-to-point interface type
• UNK- The interface type is not known at this time


The overhead required to send a packet across an interface.


The state of the interface. Possible states include the following:

• DR - The interface is functioning as the Designated Router for OSPFv3.
• BDR - The interface is functioning as the Backup Designated Router for OSPFv3.
• Loopback - The interface is functioning as a loopback interface.
• P2P - The interface is functioning as a point-to-point interface.
• Passive - The interface is up but it does not take part in forming an adjacency.
• Waiting - The interface is trying to determine the identity of the BDR for the network.
• None - The interface does not take part in the OSPF interface state machine.
• Down - The interface is unusable. No protocol traffic can be sent or received on such a interface.
• DR other - The interface is a broadcast or NBMA network on which another router is selected to

be the DR.

Nbrs (F/C) The number of adjacent neighbor routers. The number to the left of the "/" are the neighbor routers

that are fully adjacent and the number to the right represents all adjacent neighbor routers.

Displaying IPv6 OSPFv3 interface information in full mode

You can display detailed information about all OSPFv3 interfaces by using the show ipv6 ospf
command, as the following truncated example illustrates.

device#show ipv6 ospf interface

e 2/3/1 admin down, oper down, IPv6 enabled

IPv6 Address:

Area ID, Cost 1, Type BROADCAST

MTU: 10178

State DOWN, Transmit Delay 1 sec, Priority 1

Timer intervals :

Hello 10, Hello Jitter 10 Dead 40, Retransmit 5

e 4/3/1 admin up, oper up, IPv6 enabled

IPv6 Address:




Instance ID 0, Router ID

Area ID, Cost 1, Type BROADCAST

MTU: 10178

State BDR, Transmit Delay 1 sec, Priority 1, Link-LSA Tx not suppressed

Timer intervals :

Hello 10, Hello Jitter 10 Dead 40, Retransmit 5

Authentication Use: Enabled

KeyRolloverTime(sec): Configured: 300 Current: 0

KeyRolloverState: NotActive

Displaying IPv6 OSPFv3 interface information in full mode

FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide

