Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 187
Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd ra-interval number | min-range-value max-range-value
Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd ra-lifetime number
Syntax: ipv6 nd ra-hop-limit number
number is a value from 0 - 255. The default is 64.
The ipv6 nd ra-interval number can be a value between 3 - 1800 seconds. The default is 200 seconds.
The actual RA interval will be from .5 to 1.5 times the configured or default value. For example, in the
above configuration, for ipv6 nd ra-interval 300 , the range would be 150 - 450. To restore the default
interval of 200 seconds, use the no form of the command.
The ipv6 nd ra-interval range min range value max range value command lets you specify a range of
values instead of a single value.
The min-range-value specifies the minimum number of seconds allowed between sending unsolicited
multicast router advertisements from the interface. The default is 0.33 times the max-range-value if the
max-range-value is greater than or equal to 9 seconds. Otherwise, the default is the value specified by
the max-range-value . The min-range-value can be a number between -3 - (.75 x max range value ).
The max-range-value parameter specifies the maximum number of seconds allowed between sending
unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface. This number can be between 4 - 1800
seconds and must be greater than the min-range-value x 1.33. The default is 600 seconds.
The ipv6 nd ra-lifetime number is a value between 0 - 9000 seconds. To restore the router lifetime
value of 1800 seconds, use the no form of the command.
The ipv6 nd ra-hop-limit number is a value from 0 - 255. The default is 64.
By default, router advertisements will always have the MTU option. To suppress the MTU option, use
the following command at the Interface level of the CLI: ipv6 nd suppress-mtu-option .
Prefixes advertised in IPv6 router advertisement messages
By default, router advertisement messages include prefixes configured as addresses on router
interfaces using the ipv6 address command. You can use the ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement
command to control exactly which prefixes are included in router advertisement messages. Along with
which prefixes the router advertisement messages contain, you can also specify the following
• Valid lifetime --(Mandatory) The time interval (in seconds) in which the specified prefix is advertised
as valid. The default is 2592000 seconds (30 days). When the timer expires, the prefix is no longer
considered to be valid.
• Preferred lifetime --(Mandatory) The time interval (in seconds) in which the specified prefix is
advertised as preferred. The default is 604800 seconds (7 days). When the timer expires, the prefix
is no longer considered to be preferred.
• Onlink flag --(Optional) If this flag is set, the specified prefix is assigned to the link upon which it is
advertised. Nodes sending traffic to addresses that contain the specified prefix consider the
destination to be reachable on the local link.
• Autoconfiguration flag --(Optional) If this flag is set, the stateless auto configuration feature can use
the specified prefix in the automatic configuration of 128-bit IPv6 addresses for hosts on the local
link, provided the specified prefix is aggregatable, as specified in RFC 2374.
Prefixes advertised in IPv6 router advertisement messages
FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide