Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 334

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Configuring an OSPFv3 distribution list using a route map as input

The following commands configure a route map that matches internal routes.

device(config)# route-map allowInternalRoutes permit 10

device(config-routemap allowInternalRoutes)# match route-type internal

The following commands configure a distribution list that applies the allowInternalRoutes route map
globally to OSPFv3 routes.

device(config)# ipv6 router ospf

device(config-ospf6-router)# distribute-list route-map allowinternalroutes in

Syntax: [no] distribute-list route-map name in

After this distribution list is configured, the internal routes would be included, and the external routes
would be omitted from the OSPFv3 route table.

device# show ipv6 ospf route

Current Route count: 3

Intra: 3 Inter: 0 External: 0 (Type1 0/Type2 0)

Equal-cost multi-path: 0

Destination Options Area Cost Type2 Cost

Next Hop Router Outgoing Interface

*IA 2001:db8:3001::/64 --------- 0 0

:: ve 10

*IA 2001:db8:3015::/64 V6E---R-- 11 0

fe80::2e0:52ff:fe00:10 ve 10

*IA 2001:db8:3020::/64 --------- 10 0

:: ve 11

Configuring an OSPFv3 distribution list using a route map that uses a prefix list

When you configure route redistribution into OSPFv3 using a route map that uses a prefix list, the
device supports both permit and deny statements in the route map and permit statements only in the
prefix list. Therefore, the action to permit or deny is determined by the route map, and the conditions
for the action are contained in the prefix list. The following shows an example configuration.

device(config)#route-map v64 deny 10

device(config-routemap v64)#match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list ospf-filter5

device(config-routemap v64)#route-map v64 deny 11

device(config-routemap v64)#match ipv6 address prefix-list ospf-filter2

device(config-routemap v64)#route-map v64 permit 12

device(config-routemap v64)#exit

device(config)#ipv6 prefix-list ospf-filter2 seq 15 permit 2001:DB8:2001:102::/64 ge

65 le 96

device(config)#ipv6 prefix-list ospf-filter5 seq 15 permit


In this example the prefix lists, ospf-filter2 and ospf-filter5 , contain a range of IPv6 routes and one
host route to be denied, and the route map v64 defines the deny action.

The default action rule for route-map is to deny all routes that are not explicitly permitted. If you
configure a "deny" route map but want to permit other routes that do not match the rule, configure an
"empty" permit route map. For example.

device(config)#route-map abc deny 10

device(config-routemap abc)#match metric 20

device(config-routemap abc)#route-map abc permit 20

Without the last line in the above example, all routes would be denied.



FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide
