Displaying peer group information, Displaying summary route information – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide User Manual

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Displaying peer group information

To display peer-group information, enter a command such as the following at the Privileged EXEC level
of the CLI.

device# show ip bgp peer-group STR

1 BGP peer-group is STR

Address family : IPV4 Unicast


Address family : IPV4 Multicast

no activate

Address family : IPV6 Unicast

no activate

Address family : IPV6 Multicast

no activate

Address family : VPNV4 Unicast

no activate

Address family : L2VPN VPLS

no activate


IP Address:, AS: 5

Syntax: show ip bgp peer-group [ peer-group-name ]

Only the parameters that have values different from their defaults are listed.

Displaying summary route information

To display summary statistics for all the routes in the device’s BGP4 route table, enter a command such
as the following at any level of the CLI.

device# show ip bgp routes summary

Total number of BGP routes (NLRIs) Installed : 20

Distinct BGP destination networks : 20

Filtered BGP routes for soft reconfig : 100178

Routes originated by this router : 2

Routes selected as BEST routes : 19

BEST routes not installed in IP forwarding table : 1

Unreachable routes (no IGP route for NEXTHOP) : 1

IBGP routes selected as best routes : 0

EBGP routes selected as best routes : 17

Syntax: show ip bgp routes summary

show ip bgp routes output descriptions


This field


Total number of BGP4 routes
(NLRIs) Installed

Number of BGP4 routes the device has installed in the BGP4 route table.

Distinct BGP4 destination networks

Number of destination networks the installed routes represent. The BGP4
route table can have multiple routes to the same network.

Filtered BGP4 routes for soft reconfig Number of route updates received from soft-reconfigured neighbors or peer

groups that have been filtered out but retained.

Routes originated by this device

Number of routes in the BGP4 route table that this device originated.

Routes selected as BEST routes

Number of routes in the BGP4 route table that this device has selected as
the best routes to the destinations.

Displaying peer group information

FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide

