Figure b-20, Figure b-21 – FUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE M8000 User Manual

Page 472

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SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual • August 2009

The ACS_B is a single-phase power feed unit for the SPARC Enterprise M9000
server and the SPARC Enterprise M9000 server single-phase dual power feed
cabinet (option). This unit uses five power cords to receive power and distribute
AC power to 15 PSUs.


AC Section (ACS_B)

The ACS_C is a single-phase power feed unit for the SPARC Enterprise M8000
server single-phase dual power feed cabinet (option). This unit uses three power
cords to receive power and distribute AC power to nine PSUs.


AC Section (ACS_C)

The ACSTPH_A is a unit that receives three-phase (delta) power for the SPARC
Enterprise M8000 server three-phase dual power feed cabinet and switches
between three-phase and single-phase. This unit uses two power cables to receive
power, switch from three-phase to single-phase current internally, and distribute
AC power to 18 PSUs.