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SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual • August 2009
2. From the OS, execute the cfgadm -a command to verify the Ap_Id of the PCI
Example: If the PCI card in PCI slot 3 of IOU#0 is replaced
The AP_Id (iou#0_pci#3) verified here is referred to as PCI_ApId, and the
subsequent explanations of cfgadm operations for the PCI card use the term
3. From the OS, execute the cfgadm -c unconfigure <
PCI_ApId> command to
unconfigure the replacement target PCI card from the driver.
4. From the OS, execute the cfgadm -c disconnect <
PCI_ApId> command to
stop supplying power to the replacement target PCI card.
5. From the OS, execute the cfgadm -a command to confirm that the status of the
PCI card has changed from "configured" to "unconfigured," and from
"connected" to "disconnected."
6. Blink the ATTENTION LED (amber) of the PCI card to be replaced.
7. Connect the wrist strap clip to a cabinet grounding port, and attach the band of
the wrist strap to one of your wrists.
8. Remove the PCI cassette of the PCI card to be replaced.
Caution –
To disconnect the link cable, which is a cable connected between the link
card mounted on the server and external I/O expansion unit, pull the latch lock of
the connector. If you forcibly pull the connector or the cable, the cable may be
# cfgadm -a
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
iou#0_pci#3 pci_pci/hp
connected configured ok
# cfgadm -c unconfigure iou#0_pci#3
# cfgadm -c disconnect iou#0_pci#3
# cfgadm -a
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
iou#0_PCI#3 unknown
disconnected unconfigured
# cfgadm -x led=attn, mode=blink iou#0_pci#3