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SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual • August 2009
g. Mount the dual power feed unit (with four screws) on the two poles at the
front of the equipment rack of the M8000.
Note –
When securing the rack-mountable dual power feed unit on the equipment
rack, keep it positioned close to the PSUs of the M8000.
Mounting the Screws of Rack-mountable Dual Power Feed (Rear of M8000)
h. Remove the right screw securing the connector unit at the rear of the dual
power feed unit, loosen the left screw, slide the connector unit to the right,
and remove it.
i. Mount the two brackets (mound shaped) on the two poles (with two screws
for each pole) at the rear of the equipment rack of the SPARC Enterprise
M8000 server.
j. Secure the rear of the dual power feed unit on the two brackets (with three
screws each).
k. Connect the bus bars that were mounted in
to the bus bar at the rear
of the dual power feed unit by using the two bus bars (Z shape) from the
installation kit. Secure them with bolts. (Torque: 8.24 N*m (84 kgf*cm))
l. Connect the connectors of the four cables protruding from the rear of the
dual power feed unit to the DC1 connector panel.
screws (three on both sides)