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Chapter 6
Replacement of CPU/Memory Board Unit (CMU), CPU, and DIMM
8. Update the XCP version.
For the firmware updating procedures, see the SPARC Enterprise
M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide.
9. After updating the XCP, reset the XSCF.
10. After resetting the XSCF, log in to the XSCF again.
11. Power on the target domain, and apply OpenBoot PROM firmware.
It stops at ok prompt. It is not necessary to start Solaris OS.
12. Check the updated OpenBoot PROM version.
The OpenBoot PROM version of XCP 1082 is 02.09.0000.
13. Turn off the power to the target domain.
14. Continue with the appropriate installation procedure:
If you are adding a new SPARC64 VII-equipped CPU module to a domain
configured with SPARC64 VI processors, continue with
SPARC64 VII CPU Module to a Domain Configured With SPARC64 VI” on
page 6-10
XSCF> rebootxscf
XSCF> poweron -d
XSCF> version -c cmu -v
DomainID 00 : 02.03.0000
DomainID 01 : 02.03.0000
DomainID 02 : 02.09.0000
DomainID 03 : 02.09.0000
DomainID 15 : 02.03.0000
XSB#00-0 : 02.03.0000 (Current), 02.02.0000 (Reserve)
XSB#00-1 : 02.03.0000 (Current), 02.02.0000 (Reserve)
XSB#00-2 : 02.03.0000 (Current), 02.02.0000 (Reserve)
XSB#00-3 : 02.03.0000 (Current), 02.02.0000 (Reserve)
XSB#01-0 : 02.03.0000 (Reserve), 02.09.0000 (Current)
XSB#01-1 : 02.03.0000 (Reserve), 02.09.0000 (Current)
XSB#01-2 : 02.03.0000 (Reserve), 02.09.0000 (Current)
XSB#01-3 : 02.03.0000 (Reserve), 02.09.0000 (Current)
XSCF> poweroff -d