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SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual • August 2009
3. Prepare the CMU that is to be replaced.
Active replacement:
From the terminal connected to XSCF, execute the deleteboard command to
dynamically disconnect the CMU to be replaced from all the domains that have
been recognized in
as including the CMU. (The CMU status can be
checked by executing the showboards command.)
To execute this command, you need the privilege of platform administrator
(platadm) or domain administrator (domainadm). For details, see
“Disconnecting a FRU from a Domain” on page 4-3
, and the SPARC Enterprise
M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) User’s Guide.
For details on how to log in to the XSCF, see the SPARC Enterprise
M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide.
Hot replacement:
From the terminal connected to the XSCF, select all the domains that have been
recognized in
as including the CMU to be replaced, and execute the
poweroff -d
command to shut down the domains. (The CMU status can be
checked by executing the showboards command.)
Domain administrator authority is required for executing this command. For
details on how to log in to the XSCF, see the SPARC Enterprise
M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide.
4. Use the maintenance menu to select the CMU to be replaced. (The maintenance
menu is used up to
The fieldeng permission is required for executing this command.
a. From the console that is connected to XSCF, log in to XSCF, and execute the
As shown in
, the initial page of the maintenance menu is displayed.
Initial Page of the Maintenance Menu
Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select a type of FRU to be replaced.
1. CMU/IOU(CPU Memory Board Unit/IO Unit)
2. FAN(Fan Unit)
3. PSU(Power Supply Unit)
4. XSCFU(Extended System Control Facility Unit)
5. DDC_A(DDC for BP_A)
Select [1-5|c:cancel] :