Initial setup requirements, Initial setup requirements -19 – Rockwell Automation 1336E IMPACT Adjustable Frequency AC Drive User Manual V 1-4.XX User Manual
Page 159
Speed Profile Configuration
1. Enter a YES to the “Configure Speed Prof?” question.
2. Say YES to the Encoder operation for the drive question.
3. Set counts per unit (Parameter 245) for the encoder 4 x PPR
(P8). For a 1024 encoder enter 4096.
4. Set Value Tolerance parameter #244. For now it can be left at
its default value of 20 counts.
5. Select a Stop End Action (Parameter 238 [End Action Sel]).
Five possible end actions are available as detailed in P 238.
6. We have already activated 2 steps in the Speed Profile
Introduction, so you can enter a NO to activating further steps.
However, if you want to add more steps to your profile, reply
YES and follow the steps in A thru C.
A. Set required Step Speed parameters (Param 255, 258 etc. etc.) An
RPM value will be entered in these parameters.
B. Set the Step Type parameters (Param 257, 260 etc. etc.)
1. Entering a value of 1 in a Step Type Parameter selects a Time
Step (value outputted in seconds).
2. Entering a value of 2 selects a TB3 Input Step. (This option
can only be used with an L Option Card). The speed will be
outputted until the selected TB3 terminal transitions from low
to high input.
3. Entering a value of 3 selects an Encoder Step (Value outputted
in units).
4. Entering a value of 0 selects Not Used, which forces an End
C. Set required Step Value parameters (Param 256, 259 etc. etc). This
value will be in seconds, encoder counts or TB3 inputs depending
on the selection made in the corresponding Step Type parameter.
For Example: Entering a value of 1 in Parameter 257 will require
a time in seconds entry in Parameter 256.
Initial Setup Requirements
As mentioned previously, a number of parameters were adjusted to
configure Speed Profiling. These modifications were performed
automatically when the Speed Profile Configuration option was
selected from the Startup menu.
In the following section we will identify all the automatic changes
that were made. An explanation of operation is provided to allow you
to make a decision on whether each step should be manually modified
to meet your desired setup.
Accel/Decel Rates
Parameter #42 [Accel Rate 1] and Parameter #44 [Decel Rate 1]
were both be set to .8 seconds.
The acceleration and deceleration control is part of the speed PI
regulator. It is important that the rate limits set in the PI regulator
do not interfere with the speed profile regulator.