6 generate program, Generate program – Lenze ETC Motion Control User Manual

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PLC programming

Generate program

Settings in the global variable list







Pack variables: If this option is enabled the variables will be combined to a
transfer unit where possible. For UDP a transfer unit has a size of 256 bytes.
If not all variables of the list fit into one transfer unit, several transfer units
will be created for this list. If the option is disabled, each variable will go into
its own transfer unit.

If "transfer when modified" has been configured a separate check takes
place for each transfer unit whether it has changed and must be sent.

List identifier: The list identifier is used as a unique ID to exchange variable
lists between different projects. Variable lists with the same list identifier
will be exchanged.

It must be ensured that the definitions of the variable lists with the same list
identifier match in the different projects.

For this the feature "File link" can be used. The variable list is exported from
one project. The other projects import it so that the content does not have
to be re−entered.

To ensure the correct data exchange between controls the global variable
lists in both projects must match. One project can export the file prior to the
transfer, the others should import it prior to the transfer.

Besides simple data types a variable list can also contain structures and
arrays. The elements of these combined data types will be sent individually.
If a variable list is larger than a transfer unit, the data are divided into several
transfer units. It can, therefore, not be guaranteed that all data of the
variable list will be transferred within a single cycle.

Parts of the variable list can be received in different cycles. This can also be
the case for variables containing structure and array types.


Generate program

After creating a project in CoDeSys in the programming languages of
IEC61131−3 the project must be translated into a program which can be
executed by the control.

Via the menu item Online −> Login an executable program is automatically
created from the project currently being edited and transferred into the RAM
of the control.

If there is an online connection to the control it is possible via the menu item
Online −> Create boot project to transfer the current project into the Flash
PROM of the control. In addition a file "Projectname.prg" will be created in
the project directory on the hard drive if in Project −> Options −> Icon
configuration the control field "Create binary file for the application" has
been selected.

This file can also be loaded into the control via the monitor interface of the
control using Z modem transfer. In this case the file name of the boot project
must be changed to "default.prg". For the ETCxC this file can also be
transferred to the control via the ETC−MMI.