Cnc programming – Lenze ETC Motion Control User Manual
Page 147

CNC programming
G functions
G functions individual descriptions
The function still has a modal effect. It is deactivated if
ƒ the entry is reset (see below)
ƒ when the result of the comparison is positive and the resulting block
ƒ at the end of the subprogram; in this case all comparisons are
deactivated, which were activated in this subprogram.
ƒ Occurrence of another modal event (G130, G150) in a higher program
plane with a resulting block jump. Since in this case a return to the
higher program plane must take place, all modal comparisons of the
subordinate program planes are deactivated.
ƒ Program end or program termination (stop or error)
Seven modal comparisons can be activated at the same time.
A modal comparison and a non−modal comparison must never
be programmed simultaneously on the same Q−Bit with the
same result. This may lead to non−defined results.
The address J can be used to define whether the axes should be braked with
or without ramp when the event occurs and when a traverse movement is
interrupted as a result. The standard setting (J not programmed) is "Bremsen
mit Rampe" (Brake with ramp).
If the address L is programmed, when the condition which was defined with
E and Z applies, the actual positions of all configured axes are saved from the
index in the parameter field specified for L. This function can be used to
determine the position of the event independently of the configured brake
An entry is exported from the table of active Q−Bit comparisons, by
programming the G150 with the specification of the Q−Bit number E without
additional parameters.
N100 G150 X200 Z1 E22
Branch to block number 200 if a 1 appears instead of 22
in the Q−field.
N200 G150 X500 E18 Z0 L1780
Branch to block 500 if Q−Bit 18 has the state 0; in
addition the axes actual position are stored from P1780.
N300 G150 E22
Deactivate the modal monitoring of Q−Bit 22.