Etc−mmi – Lenze ETC Motion Control User Manual

Page 303

background image


"Programming" operating mode






New program

Prepare the editor for entering a new file.
If a file is already being edited, it remains active in the
background. Via the file selection line in the upper
window area, files from the background can be brought
to the foreground.

Open program

Open existing (program) file. A dialogue opens (

^ 306).

Here you can select the desired file. After has
been pressed, the file is opened in the editor.

Save program

Save the displayed (program) file. If a new file has been
created, a dialogue opens (

^ 306). Here you can enter

directory and file name.

Save as

Save displayed (program) file under a new name. A
dialogue opens (

^ 306). Here you can enter dialogue

and file name. The contents of the original file remain


This key is only visible if a corresponding bit is set in the
Switch on teach mode. In the teach mode, the current
position can be determined and transferred to the
cursor position in the editor.

Teach−In ON/OFF

In this mode, the axes can be traversed via the PLC. By
means of a PLC message, the current position is entered
in the editor as traverse block with the axis letters of
the axes configured for teach−in.

Teach−In Extended

In the extended teach−in mode it is possible to observe
the program flow in single block operation in the editor.
The current line position of the ETCxC is highlighted. For
this purpose, the program currently running on the
ETCxC must be loaded in the editor.
The user can now control his program via the single
block operation and teach in some blocks again for
correction. In this mode, the blocks are overwritten if
the cursor is not on an empty line. Otherwise, the blocks
are added.
Caution: When new blocks are added, the line number
in the editor does no longer correspond to the line
number in the running program of the ETCxC. This
means that the wrong line position will be displayed
during the following program flow.

Close program

Quit editing the program and delete editor contents.
The original file is not changed.

Program to NC

Transfer program from the PC to the ETCxC. After a
function has been called, a dialogue is displayed. Via the
keys, select a program and start the transfer
with . cancels the action.
Note: In the "DelphMMi.ini", you can determine which
programs are loaded automatically when the control
system is initialised (

^ 327).


Display (in 3 D mode) of the profile of a program which
is in the editor.
The graph is currently limited to a profile description of
the axes X, Y and Z. Zero shift, rotation, individual
programming and similar are not supported.

Reset image position

Show original position of the profile.

Display position

If a program is running, use "Display position" to display
and observe the current position on the profile.

Graphics on/off

Show and hide graphical display. The size of the window
can be changed by means of the "Split screen" function.


Back to the previous level.

Horizontal function keys