4 machine constants, 1 basics, Machine constants – Lenze ETC Motion Control User Manual
Page 190: Basics

Machine constants
Machine constants
This chapter describes the machine constants (MCs) of the controls ETCPC
and ETCHC. Some of the described MCs are not available in both control
types due to the different hardware features. The respective identifiers are
marked with a corresponding footnote.
MCs are used to adapt the control to the specific field of application. These
include the actual machine with its axes as well as the fields of technology
and operating philosophy. Therefore, the extent to which the end customers
and users can affect the MCs should be limited.
At the end of this chapter, you can find a complete overview of the MCs
including comments. This overview is included in the supply of each
ETC−MMI under the name MUSTER.MK (SAMPLE.MC), but can also be
supplied separately.
The file "MUSTER.MK" ("SAMPLE.MC") serves as a basis for your
specific adaptations. Therefore, it is recommended to generate a
copy of the file. The name of the file is irrelevant. It must be
provided with the extension ".MK". However, it is recommended
to use a name that is related to the machine, e.g. the machine
The file can be transferred to the control in two different ways. Either via an
ETC−MMI whenever the control is restarted or by means of any terminal
program via the monitor interface of the control. In the first case, the file is
stored on the hard disk of the PC. The second case is only necessary if no
PC−supported MMI is connected to the control.
The MCs are stored in the control in a non−volatile memory. This is where
they are updated if the MCs are changed in any way. Controls delivered ex
works do not contain an MC file. Therefore, the message "keine
Maschinenkonstantendatei geladen" ("no machine constants file loaded")
appears when the control is first put into operation.
When adapting the MC file, please make sure that MCs which are not
included in the MC file are not reset to the default value, but keep the
previously set value. However, to gain a better overview, all MCs should be
described in the MC file. Some MCs have a limited value range. If the entered
value lies outside this value range, it will be limited to this range.