Players & limitations, Data storage – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

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Program - Working with the Audio Visual Controller

row programming and timelines with just overlay row programming so that these can be mixed at playback allow-
ing overlaid text to remain onscreen regardless of which video clip is chosen to play underneath.

Timeline row programming will remain onstage for the duration of the timeline unless overridden by another
timeline with programming on the same row(s) or explicitly released.

Players & limitations

While the AVC's major advantage is that is has two separate players it is important to appreciate that it only has
two players. The flexibility of both the programming interface and the Unison Mosaic system's multi-timeline
environment can catch the unwary, particularly when using dissolves or wipes which require both players for the
duration of such a transition.

Both players are routed to both the Main Mixer and the Effects unit (see schematic above) along with the Live
input. The Play Clip preset requires exclusive use of a player and so only two Play Clip presets can run con-
currently, either while transitioning from one to the other or with one main and the other as an effect (eg. picture-in-
picture). Note however that a 0 second duration "snap" transition only requires a single player and the Live input
feed none at all.

Which player does what is determined automatically at playback to ensure that multiple timelines interact cor-
rectly. Your programming does not specify a particular player, just the request to use one. When the programming
on a single timeline, or the interaction of multiple timelines at playback, calls for more than the two players avail-
able the AVC will automatically replace any timed transitions with snap transitions so that it does not exceed the
player limit.

Data storage

The AVC uses its memory card much more aggressively than the other Controllers and best performance
requires the memory card be formatted in a particular way. It is therefore recommended that you format the
memory card either from within Designer (

Controller config

) or the AVC's web interface when starting a fresh pro-

ject or inserting a new card.

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