Kinet device discovery, Patching fixtures to a rio, Here – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual
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Unison Mosaic Designer User Manual
In the DMX patch tab, press 'Discover' to find RDM-capable devices attached to the current Controller. The Dis-
cover button is only enabled if the current Controller is associated with a physical Controller and that Controller
has been found on the network.
Toggle 'Show Discovered' to show and hide the discovered RDM devices.
To identify a device, toggle the button in the Identify column of the table. To readdress a device, enter a new
value in the Start Address column.
KiNet device discovery
In the KiNet patch tab, press 'Discover' to find KiNet power supplies.
NOTE: KiNet discovery is performed via the network interface of the computer running Designer, not via the Con-
trollers. If the computer has more than one network interface then you will be prompted to select which network
interface to use for KiNet discovery. The network interface must have an IP address in the 10.x.x.x range for dis-
covery to be completely successful.
Toggle 'Show Discovered' to show and hide the discovered power supplies.
Power supplies that have an IP address that is already used by the current Controller will appear in grey.
To add a power supply to the current Controller, press the button in the 'Select' column and press 'Add To Pro-
ject'. A new power supply will be added to the current Controller and that power supply will be automatically selec-
ted. If Designer doesn't recognise the type of the power supply, you will be prompted to select it from a list.
To add all the discovered power supplies to the current Controller, press 'Add All To Project'.
Patching fixtures to a RIO
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