Listing 16, Listing 17 – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

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background image

Custom Preset Programming Guide

The default value of a gradient is a list of fractions and colours, where fraction is in the range [0-1] and spe-
cifies where in the gradient the colour is, and red, green and blue is the colour at that position and are in the
range [0-255]. You can specify multiple points. For example:

property("gradient", GRADIENT, 0.0, 255, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 255)

creates a red (255,0,0) point at the start (0.0) and a blue ((0,0,255) point at the end (1.0).

To demonstrate a real example of using properties in scripts:

Listing 16

property("g", GRADIENT, 0.0, 255, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 255)

function pixel(frame,x,y)

return g:lookup(x/(width-1))


This, by default, creates a horizontal gradient from red to blue, as we saw in Listing 13. However, when this pre-
set is placed on a timeline, there will be a gradient editor available, and you will be able to alter the gradient to be
any colour you wish, without having to recompile the script or having to duplicate the custom preset with some
small alterations.

We will now modify our vertical band example to expose some properties to make a very versatile effect:

Listing 17

-- width of the bands in pixels

property("band_width", INTEGER, 4, 1)

-- space between bands in pixels

property("band_spacing", INTEGER, 1, 0)

-- the wavelength of the ripple (in terms of current width)

property("wavelength", FLOAT, 1, 0, 16, 2)

-- the direction of the ripple

property("reverse", BOOLEAN, false)

-- the colour of the band

property("band_gradient", GRADIENT, 0, 255, 0, 0, 1, 255, 255, 0)

-- the colour of the space between bands

property("background_colour", COLOUR, 0, 0, 0)

-- get the combined width of band and separator

local total_band_width = band_width+band_spacing

-- get the number of visible bands

local bands = width/total_band_width

-- modulo operator (a%b)

function mod(a,b)

return a - math.floor(a/b)*b


-- the pixel function

function pixel(frame,x,y)

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