Listing 5, Listing 6 – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

Page 229

background image

Custom Preset Programming Guide

Listing 5

function pixel(frame,x,y)

-- calculate the progress through the animation

local t = frame/frames

-- compare the fraction across the effect with the animation pro-


if (x/width

return 255,0,0


return 0,0,0



Now, once the red wipe reaches the right side of the frame, it immediately jumps back to the start. Returning to
our vertical band example, we are going to introduce animation by changing the height of each band over time:

Listing 6

-- width of the bands in pixels

band_width = 4

-- space between bands in pixels

band_spacing = 1

-- get the combined width of band and separator

local total_band_width = band_width+band_spacing

-- get the number of visible bands

local bands = width/total_band_width

-- modulo operator (a%b)

function mod(a,b)

return a - math.floor(a/b)*b


-- the pixel function

function pixel(frame,x,y)

if (mod(x,total_band_width)>=band_width) then

-- in band separator

return 0,0,0


-- get the band in which this pixel falls

local band = math.floor(x/total_band_width)

-- get the fraction through the effect

local t = frame/frames

-- get the height of the band in which this pixel falls

local band_height = (math.sin((band/bands+t)*math.pi*2)+1)/2

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