Listing 5, Listing 6 – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual
Page 229
Custom Preset Programming Guide
Listing 5
function pixel(frame,x,y)
-- calculate the progress through the animation
local t = frame/frames
-- compare the fraction across the effect with the animation pro-
if (x/width return 255,0,0 else return 0,0,0 end end Now, once the red wipe reaches the right side of the frame, it immediately jumps back to the start. Returning to Listing 6 -- width of the bands in pixels band_width = 4 -- space between bands in pixels band_spacing = 1 -- get the combined width of band and separator local total_band_width = band_width+band_spacing -- get the number of visible bands local bands = width/total_band_width -- modulo operator (a%b) function mod(a,b) return a - math.floor(a/b)*b end -- the pixel function function pixel(frame,x,y) if (mod(x,total_band_width)>=band_width) then -- in band separator return 0,0,0 end -- get the band in which this pixel falls local band = math.floor(x/total_band_width) -- get the fraction through the effect local t = frame/frames -- get the height of the band in which this pixel falls local band_height = (math.sin((band/bands+t)*math.pi*2)+1)/2 - 229 -
our vertical band example, we are going to introduce animation by changing the height of each band over time: