Working with colours, Listing 8 – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

Page 231

background image

Custom Preset Programming Guide

-- get the band in which this pixel falls

local band = math.floor(x/total_band_width)

-- get the fraction through the effect

local t = frame/frames

-- get the height of the band in which this pixel falls

local band_height = (math.sin((band/bands+t)*math.pi*2)+1)/2

-- adjust y to be relative to the center of the effect

y = y-(height/2)+0.5

-- decide if this pixel is inside the band

local h = math.abs(y)/(height/2)

if (h <= band_height) then

return rainbow(band/bands+t)


-- offset hue by quarter

return rainbow((band/bands+t)+0.25)



We have defined a new function, rainbow, which returns a fully saturated r,g,b value for a given hue. This func-
tion is then called with different arguments depending on whether on not a pixel falls inside or outside of a band.

User-defined functions can be used whenever you want to use a similar piece of code in multiple places with dif-
fering arguments.

Running this script, you will see that the bands are now coloured with a rainbow which changes over time, and
the area above and below the band is filled with a colour that is pi/2 radians out of phase with the band's colour.

Working with colours

Working with colours as 3 separate components can produce a wide variety of effects, but sometimes it is more
convenient to treat a colour as a single entity. We can do that with the colour library.

To create a variable of type colour, call, passing in three values between 0 and 255 which rep-
resent the red, green and blue components of the colour, i.e:

local c =,0,0)

The variable c has the type colour and represents red. Colours have three properties, red, green and blue,
which can be used to access and alter that colour. Here is a simple example using the colour type:

Listing 8

function pixel(frame,x,y)

local c =,0,0)



This fills every pixel of every frame with red.

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