Matrices, Movers, Dali – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

Page 83: Timeline row priorities, Browser controls and feedback, Expand all

background image

Program - Working with timelines


These are the Pixel Matrices created in Setup and


, only






presets can be applied

to this category. In many ways, creating matrices and working with these powerful presets is the preferred way to
go with Designer.


Unlike the categories above these rows do not specify a fixture selection but are instead simply a placeholder for

Mover presets

created in the project. The fixture selection is a property of the Mover preset depending as it

does on the fixtures selected when the preset was created. More rows can be added as required by right-clicking
in the Browser and selecting New Movers Row, similarly to remove them.


These rows are for the DALI ballasts and groups and will only appear if some DALI fixtures have been added to
the project, see


. Note that each DALI interface has its own set of rows due to the restrictions of the DALI

standard. Only

DALI presets

can be applied to this category.


These rows are for AVCs and will only appear if audio visual devices have been added to the project. Only AVC


can be applied to these rows, see

Working with the Audio Visual Controller


Timeline row priorities

While the

Latest Takes Precedent

system determines what should be rendered and output as presets come and

go over time, it is the order of the rows that determines what should be rendered and output should two or more
presets with fixtures in common start simultaneously, with rows higher up the list taking precedent.

For example a fixture may be a member of two groups with a preset applied to both starting at the same time. In
this case the fixture will render the preset for the group higher up the list. Groups can be reordered in the browser
simply by dragging them to new positions.

Accordingly, simultaneous presets placed on groups and fixtures have a higher priority than presets placed on

Browser controls and feedback

The Browser toolbar provides controls for expanding and collapsing groups and compound fixtures as well as high-
lighting rows with programming. The Browser provides useful feedback as to which rows contain programming;
elements, fixtures and groups will be displayed in blue, compound fixture or group headings will indicate the pres-
ence of any programming on members even when collapsed.

Expand all

Expands all compound fixtures and groups so that all element (pixel) rows are displayed. Items with programming
will be shown in blue.

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