Dali stop emergency test, Set timeline rate, Serial and ethernet output – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

Page 127: Midi output, Serial and ethernet output action, Serial, And ethernet output action

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Triggers - Variables

DALI Stop Emergency Test

The DALI ballast address on a specific interface can be passed in by variable. Select the relevant "Variable"
option and then choose the variable index.

Set Timeline Rate

You can select the timeline to modify with a variable (as for Start Timeline). You can also choose to pass in the
rate percentage using a variable.

Serial and

Ethernet Output

In the same way that you can use wildcards to match data in a serial or Ethernet trigger, you can insert the value
of captured variables into your serial output messages. The same wildcard types are supported to define how to
output a variable:

Will output the value of a variable as a raw byte (0-255).

Will output the value of a variable as a decimal number (ASCII, 0-9).

Will output the value of a variable as a hexadecimal number (ASCII, 0-f). Any letters will be

Will output the value of a variable as a hexadecimal number (ASCII, 0-f). Any letters will be

Will output a captured string. will output the entire captured string. <4s> would output the
first 4 characters of the captured string.

As with input you can specify a length if you want to output the variable as a longer decimal or hexadecimal num-
ber. So a variable value of 175 output with <4d> would add ASCII "0175" to the serial output. Note that it is pad-
ded with leading zeros to fill the specified length. If the value was too large to express in the specified length it
would be truncated from the left, so <2d> would output the number 123 as ASCII "23".

Output strings are allowed to begin with a wildcard. By default each wildcard takes the next variable in the order
they were captured. If you want to output the variables in a different order then you can add a variable index to the
wildcard in the form <3,2d> where 3 is the variable index. If you specify an output wildcard where there is no cor-
responding capture variable then it will have value of zero and output accordingly.

MIDI Output

Short messages can output a captured value for data 1 and data 2. Pick a variable using the 'Variable Index' con-
trols. If data 1 is outputting a captured value, you can optionally send it as a 14-bit value, with the lower 7 bits in
data 1 and the upper 7 bits in data 2, by checking '14 bit variable'.

Outputting a MSC message allows you to set the cue number and/or list number by choosing a variable with the
'Variable Index' controls.

Extended messages allow you to output captured variables using the same syntax as serial actions.

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